TITLE | The title of the current problem to be run with HEGABOX. |
At most 50 alphanumeric characters. | |
Optional, no default. |
TLAST | Maximum time for which HEGABOX calculates cloud dispersion (s). |
0.01 <= TLAST <= 9000. | |
Optional, default is 500 s. | |
If during the calculation the time variable reaches the value TLAST, the run will be stopped. Usually TLAST is set sufficiently large so that the run ends because the Richardson number stop criterion has been met. | |
DTMAX | Maximum time step in output table and numerical integration (s). |
0.01 <= DTMAX <= 100. | |
Optional, default is 2 s. | |
Only to be changed if the output table produced by HEGABOX in the report file ('casename.HBR'), is too long or too short, depending on the time scale of the problem. | |
PRTCODE | Output printing control code. |
PRTCODE = 0, 1, or 2. | |
Optional, default is 1. | |
Normally not to be changed. PRTCODE = 0 suppresses printout and with PRTCODE = 2 debug printout is generated. | |
RIMIN | Final (termination) Richardson number (-). |
0.01 <= RIMIN <= 50. | |
Optional, default is 10. | |
When during the HEGABOX run the Richardson number falls below RIMIN, the run is ended, creating a link file for HEGADAS-T. This is the standard way to end the HEGABOX run. The default value of 10 should normally not be changed by the user. |
SPILLTOT | Spill size (excluding water pickup) (kg of wet pollutant). |
1 <= SPILLTOT <= 106. | |
Mandatory. | |
RSTART | Initial cloud radius (m). |
10-2 <= RSTART <= 103. | |
Mandatory. | |
Note that in HEGABOX the cloud is always assumed to be a cylinder. | |
The user might want to use the HGSYSTEM module LPOOL to find an estimated value for RSTART. |
Z0 | Reference height for windspeed U0 (m). |
0.1 <= Z0 <= 50. | |
Mandatory. | |
U0 | Ambient wind velocity at height Z0 (m/s). |
1.0 <= U0 <= 20. | |
Mandatory. | |
ZAIRTEMP | Reference height for temperature AIRTEMP (m). |
0 <= ZAIRTEMP <= 50. | |
Mandatory. | |
AIRTEMP | Ambient air temperature at height ZAIRTEMP (°C). |
-50 <= AIRTEMP <= 50. | |
Mandatory. | |
RHPERC | Relative humidity of ambient air (%). |
0.0 <= RHPERC <= 100. | |
Optional, default is 0. | |
TGROUND | Temperature of the earth's surface (°C). |
-50 <= TGROUND <= 50. | |
Mandatory. |
ZR | Land surface roughness (m). |
10-5 <= ZR <= 1. | |
Mandatory. | |
PQSTAB | Pasquill/Gifford stability class (single character). |
PQSTAB = A, B, C, D, E or F. | |
Mandatory. | |
MONIN | Monin-Obukhov length (m). |
-500 <= MONIN <= 1020 . | |
Optional, default calculated by HEGABOX based on ZR and PQSTAB. | |
The user can override the correlation-based value that HEGABOX normally will use, e.g. if measurements are available. |
THERMOD | Thermodynamical model used (-). |
THERMOD = 1, 2. | |
Optional, default is 1 (non-reactive aerosol model). | |
THERMOD = 1 implies the use of the standard HGSYSTEM non-reactive, multi-compound two-phase thermodynamic model. In the absence of an aerosol, ideal gas relations will hold. | |
For THERMOD = 2 the full HF thermodynamical model will be used. | |
TGAS | Initial wet pollutant temperature (°C). |
-273 <= TGAS <= 100. | |
Mandatory. | |
TGAS is the wet pollutant temperature before any dilution with ambient wet air (see INICONC below) and before water pickup (see WPICKUP below). | |
Wet pollutant = dry pollutant plus water contained in the pollutant. | |
WATERPOL | Mole fraction water (liquid plus vapour) in wet pollutant (-). |
0 <= WATERPOL <= 0.2. | |
Optional, default is 0.0. | |
WATERPOL refers to the released pollutant only, it should not take | |
the water pickup into account (see WPICKUP below). | |
WPICKUP | Mole fraction water picked up from earth's surface during release (-). |
0 <= WPICKUP <= 0.2. | |
Optional, default is 0.0. | |
WPICKUP is extra water added to the (wet pollutant) mixture during release, the original pollutant may already contain water (see WATERPOL above). | |
The picked up water has temperature TGROUND. | |
INICONC | Dilution by initial entrainment (mole wet pollutant plus water pickup per mole total mixture). |
10-5 <= INICONC <= 1.0. | |
Optional, default is 1.0. | |
The mixture after water pickup can be diluted by an initial entrainment with wet ambient air. The air composition and temperature are as specified in the AMBIENT block. | |
Useful for very `violent' releases where at the start of the HEGABOX simulation significant entrainment already has occurred. | |
MMGAS | Molecular mass of the dry pollutant (kg/kmole). |
2 <= MMGAS <= 200. | |
Mandatory. | |
Will be generated by DATAPROP. | |
CPGAS | Specific heat at constant pressure of the dry pollutant (J/(mole K)). |
5 <= CPGAS <= 200. | |
Mandatory. | |
Will be generated by DATAPROP. | |
DIFFDT2 | Thermal diffusivity of the dry pollutant at a representative |
temperature T, divided by T2 (m2/s/K2). | |
3×10-11 <= DIFFDT2 <= 3×10-9 | |
Mandatory. | |
Division by T2 is used to try to scale out the temperature dependency of the thermal diffusivity. | |
Used in calculation of natural convection heat flux. | |
Will be generated by DATAPROP. | |
VISCDT2 | Kinematic viscosity of the dry pollutant at a representative temperature T, divided by T2 (m2/s/K2). |
2×10-11 <= VISCDT2 <= 3×10-9. | |
Mandatory. | |
Division by T2 is used to try to scale out the temperature dependency of the kinematic viscosity. | |
Used in calculation of natural convection heat flux. | |
Will be generated by DATAPROP | |
The value of HEATGR (communicated to HEGADAS-T) is calculated as: HEATGR = (DIFFDT2×VISCDT2)2/3×CPGAS×1000/VISCDT2. The factor 1000 arises because we want the specific heat per kmole. HEATGR is not a HEGABOX keyword, but it is a HEGADAS keyword. | |
SPECIES | Pollutant compound properties. Using this keyword at least once implies the use of the full two-phase (aerosol) model for a mixture consisting of at least one compound (excluding water). |
If the SPECIES keyword is not specified, ideal gas thermodynamics is used with gas properties given by CPGAS and MMGAS. Condensation or freezing of water is still taken into account. | |
The SPECIES keyword plus parameters must be specified for every compound in the mixture, except water. The sum of the molar fractions (see parameter #2 below) must equal 1.0 - WATERPOL. | |
The use of DATAPROP to generate the input parameters when the SPECIES keyword is being used, is strongly recommended. | |
Currently a maximum of 8 species can be specified (excluding water). Please note that DATAPROP allows for more species to be specified. DATAPROP also splits dry air (if specified) up into nitrogen and oxygen, thus generating two compounds instead of one. Thus the HEGABOX link file generated by DATAPROP could contain the SPECIES keyword more than 8 times. The user should combine or remove compounds if this occurs. | |
Please note that, in contrast with SPILL and AEROPLUME, HEGABOX and HEGADAS do have some restrictions: either a single two-compound aerosol or a number of separate one-compound aerosols are allowed (not regarding water and dry air), other combinations are not supported. | |
Following the SPECIES keyword of a certain compound a block of 12 parameters (#1 to #12) must be specified: | |
#1 compound name (maximum of 12 characters). | |
#2 mole fraction in pollutant mixture (-). 0<= #2<= 1. | |
#3 aerosol class (-). -1<= #3 <= 50. | |
#4 specific heat of vapour (J/(mole K)). 5<= #4 <=300. | |
#5 specific heat of liquid (J/(mole K)). 0<= #5 <=10 3 . | |
#6 heat of vaporisation (J/mole) 0<= #6 <=10 5 | |
#7 critical temperature (K). 0<= #7 <=10 4 | |
#8 critical pressure (atm). 0<= #8 <=10 3 | |
#9 vapour pressure function coefficient B1. -10 8 <= #9 <=10 8 . | |
#10 vapour pressure function coefficient B2. -10 8 <= #10 <= 10 8 . | |
#11 vapour pressure function coefficient B3. -10 8 <= #11<= 10 8 . | |
#12 vapour pressure function coefficient B4. -10 8 <= #12 <= 10 8 . | |
Note: the saturated vapour pressure of the compound is described by the Wagner function: P v (T) = P c x exp { [ B 1 x Q + B 2 x Q 1.5 + B 3 x Q 3 + B 4 x Q 6 ] / T r } |
where T is the vapour temperature, P c the critical pressure, T c the critical temperature, T r = T/T c and Q = 1 - T r . |
IMETP | Indicator for use of meteorological pre-processor (-). |
IMETP = 0 or 1. | |
Optional, default is 0. | |
For IMETP = 1, an additional file 'casename.MET' must be supplied. See Chapter 18 for a description of the data which must be given in this file. | |
IDEP | Indicator for use of wet and dry deposition model (-). |
IDEP = 0 or 1. | |
Optional, default is 0. | |
For IDEP = 1, an additional file 'casename.DEP' must be supplied. See Chapter 18 for a description of the data which must be given in this file. | |
ICANY | Indicator for calculation of canyon effects (-). |
ICANY = 0 or 1. | |
Optional, default is 0. | |
For ICANY = 1, an additional file 'casename.CNY' must be supplied. See Chapter 18 for a description of the data which must be given in this file. | |
IFLUC | Indicator for calculation of centre-line concentration fluctuations (-). |
IFLUC = 0 or 1. | |
Optional, default is 0. | |
For IFLUC = 1, an additional file 'casename.PTL' must be supplied. See Chapter 18 for a description of the data which must be given in this file. |